Oct 2022


By Admin

Packaging is something that really needs to be considered in a business, especially those that produce goods. Packaging plays a very important role in protecting your goods and packaging can affect the image of your product.

Packaging is an important element as the attraction of your product because with packaging your product will look more memorable, attractive and of high quality.

It is very important for us to understand what packaging is, its types and functions.


What is packaging?

Packaging is a material used to wrap an item/product that serves to protect the product from being damaged and not polluted by foreign objects such as dust and dirt.

Not only as a protector, packaging can also be an attraction/characteristic of your product because when people want to buy goods, for example, when in a mini market, the first thing they see is the packaging. Because with attractive and curious packaging, it can make people interested in buying the product.

Because the better/attractive the packaging will add added value to the products you sell.


What are the functions of packaging?

Apart from being a protector and adding value, packaging also has several other functions including:

• To add to the attractiveness

Packaging can increase the attractiveness of the product even though the type of product or product is simple, but packaging / packaging can make the product look unique and different from other products.

• As a means of promotion

Packaging can be a very influential means of promotion because people will easily remember a product from its packaging. 

• Creating prestige from buyers

With good packaging and looks luxurious makes people who buy the product have their own pride when carrying it. 

• Provide a good perception of the product

Good and attractive packaging design will affect people's perception of the product/goods. so before making packaging, research and testing must be needed first to make it fit what you want.

So it can be concluded that good packaging is very influential on the product itself and for consumers.


Elements that need attention?

Before determining the packaging for the product, there are several important elements that need to be considered so that the product can be famous in the market and easy to remember.

Some elements that must be fulfilled include:

a. Efficient

b. Ensuring product safety

c. Design that is easy to recognize

d. Packaging that is easy to send

e. There is information on materials, permits

f. Attractive design, unique and able to convey product messages


Types of Packaging 

There are several types of packaging that we need to know, including?

1. Primary Packaging

Is a packaging that is directly attached to the product usually found in retail products such as soap, shampoo, bakery products, etc.

2. Secondary Packaging

Is a packaging that protects several products in it that already have primary packaging. Products that usually contain more than one, for example 1 pack of cigarettes, 1 pack of coffee, 1 pack of soap.

3. Packaging Delivery

Is the packaging used to distribute goods. usually in it there are goods with primary and secondary packaging. For example, bottled mineral water products 1 box and 1 box of instant noodles


Packaging Attributes

There are several attributes of packaging that we encounter in the market and are commonly used, including:

1. Brand on Packaging

Brand is a very important attribute to be included in the packaging because With brands people will be easier to recognize and remember.

2. Images on the packaging

The image is a visual attraction in packaging. As one of the attributes that is often used, attractive images are able to attract consumers to buy them.

3. Packaging Form

One of the main drivers that helps create visual appeal is the form of packaging. With a unique, practical form of packaging that shows a brand identity, it will make it easier for consumers to find these products among other products in the store.

4. Color Packaging

Good color selection will determine the response of visitors. Because that's the first color seen by visitors / consumers. Therefore the choice of color is very important so that consumers are easy to remind.

5. Packaging

Labels Labels are one of the most important packaging attributes. Labels usually contain information about the benefits of the product, about how to serve it, about product composition, weight, clear signs of danger, storage instructions, prices, item codes, and packaging contents.

Consumers usually buy an item because there are benefits obtained from the item. So the best place to convey a message of benefit is in front of the package.


Good packaging is packaging that is able to convey product messages and add a unique impression and is easy for consumers to remember. In addition, for certain products, packaging can give the impression of luxury and elegance to similar products. 


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